Here are some ways that St. Martin’s follows Jesus’ commandment to love our neighbors

God of Love, open our eyes and ears to perceive you at work in creation, the church, and our parish. Fill our hearts with your love that we may reach out in love to others. Stir up our imagination with your Holy Spirit that we may find new ways to live into life with you.

Give us a vision of your mission that we may share your love and your spirit in all the places where we work and play and worship you. In Jesus’ holy name, Amen.


We are honored to be recognized for our Outreach, February 2024.

Some of our Ministries


St. Martin’s started a GOOD NEWS GARDEN in spring 2021 with the Episcopal Church Good News Garden Ministry.  Veggies to “feed our sheep” – come and see!

Our PERSONAL CARE KITS MINISTRY to the Lebanon Soup Kitchen on the last Friday of the even-numbered months has a 20-year history of helping the needy in Lebanon, with support from the parish, from the Diocesan Commission on Poverty and Homelessness, and from the Siltez Tribal Charitable Contribution Fund.  Thanks to all who help us help our community!

Inside before COVID                Grab N Go outside during COVID
            St.M Personal Care Kits

LAUNDRY LOVE – With other Lebanon Churches, we provide laundry soap and quarters to help people wash their laundry, every Wednesday 2:30-4:30 at Spin City, south of Walmart.  Come have clean clothes!


Back to School – Our Annual School Supply Giveaway on the Grove Street lawn to help our neighbor children get a good start.



Our LITTLE FREE LIBRARY on Grove Street provides free books for our neighborhood with special attention to children’s books, crayons, school supplies, etc.
Little Free Library Dedication

Our MEMORIAL GARDEN provides consecrated interment for ashes as well as a peaceful place with free wifi for our neighborhood. Come see how the landscaping has grown!
BishopHanley in our garden

In Memoriam

Deacon Helen’s 25-year ministry

We happily remember all the years that our Deacon Helen led a twice-weekly LEARNING PERCH READING PROGRAM  helping children in Lebanon. Read more about it here: Learning Perch seeks volunteer readers _ Education _ democratherald
Deacon Helen reads at Learning Perch